A black woman sipping tea at a desk with books and plants and rainbow roller skates San Antonio Texas

Holding space for bleeding hearts to rest
for recovery, release, and reclamation.

You’re tired for one reason:

You give a damn.

In fact you’ve adopted all the f*cks others have forfeit. That’s what makes you a bleeding heart —you care deeply. You care about liberation, justice, equity, and the dismantling of oppressive systems. You care about the planet. You care about economic justice. You care for everyone in your community, neighborhood, work, family, and friendships — everyone except yourself.

You’ve been running at lightening speed for so long you don’t know what it looks like to slow down. But you know you need to. There’s no use in denying it anymore.


This is where we meet you. We don’t ask you to bypass your feelings. We don’t pretend you don’t have to navigate the specters of guilt and shame. We don’t expect you to be the polished version of yourself either. We hold space for you to be held, to be imperfect, to learn, to practice, and to truly rest.

The change you want to make in the world starts within, bleeding heart. Are you ready?

Two notebooks with handwritten notes on a desk Jordan Maney business advocate San Antonio Texas

The RestLab Series

The RestLab is the umbrella we house our offers under. Each one builds upon the other but you don’t have to do them in order. Each offer provides the space to learn and the safety to exhale. New to rest and want to see what all the hype is about? Try our RestLab 101 class. Ready for a more in-depth approach? Try out our group coaching program, RestLab Hibernator.

Or if you’ve got time and capacity, try our RestLab Intensive for customized rest strategy. Ditch the burnout, build sustainable advocacy, challenge the way you worked that led to burnout, and create a life with your joy at the center of it.

Find out more by clicking the button below.

A black woman working on a laptop and smiling at her golden retriever looking out the window in Texas

Hey bleeding heart, I’m Jordan.

Being silent about my needs almost killed me. I grew up learning how to please others, not advocate for myself. Sound familiar?

I had been conditioned to believe that the safest place for me was where no one could see nor hear me.  

But as Audre Lorde said, “Your silence will not protect you.”

In 2019 I found my voice again.

This time it was all mine. I used my voice to learn how to ask for help, say what I need, navigate burnout, and advocate for myself. I created rest, joy, and care from my voice. Let me help you find yours.



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Radical change comes from deceptively small steps. Like these…

Portrait of Jordan Maney, a black woman in a black jacket and white dress in San Antonio Texas

Get Your Rest Here 👇🏾

You go above and beyond for causes, communities, neighbors, friends, family, but not yourself.

It’s time for something new. Find out what kind of rest you need with our quiz. Get valuable tips and next steps you can take today to improve your rest.

A black woman in a pink blazer writing in a notebook at a desk in San Antonio Texas

Give Your Inbox Some 💖

Sign up for our email list to get tips, techniques, and reminders for more rest, care, and joy.

Learn how to build the skill and practice of rest. Plus get access to our monthly community guided rest session, RestLab Recess.

They Made the Shift. So Can You.

Woman of color in a loose dress posing joyfully by two large vases of brightly colored roses TX

“As a first-generation woman of color, the concept of rest is a luxury; something you earned and enjoyed on a bi-annual vacation and looked forward to during your retirement. Burnout and overwhelm was normalized; you pay your dues, right? Yet over time, you come to realize that it's not a sustainable way of living. Enter Jordan and her Get Rested Clinic [currently the RestLab Hibernator], a transformative experience that raises our consciousness! This course came into my life while I was juggling the busy season in my small business along with complex familial responsibilities that left me feeling drained.

Jordan's gentle guidance and insight throughout the Get Rested course, especially during our weekly coaching calls, has helped me gain clarity on the external and self-imposed challenges to prioritizing REST in my life. All while defining what that practice looks like and shifting my mindset in order to create and maintain healthy boundaries. This work feels significant, like a revolutionary step towards ancestral healing! She leads this work with empathetic warmth and humor for us to shatter the oppressive systems we've grown accustomed to and prioritize our well being. Thank you, Jordan! Rest has never been at the forefront of my mind as it is now.”


A Black woman in a soft pink suit and grey heeled shoes posing on a wooden chair in San Antonio Texas

Build Sustainable Teams With Rest

Have a team of folx you want trained? We offer the RestLab in workshop and team coaching capacities. We focus on burnout navigation to identify the roots of exhaustion and clarify how you got there. Then we focus on building the safety and candor in communication that empowers team members to say what they need, when they need it.


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